build a website

Project management

Feb 22, 2018by Brandon Hanson
GitLab registration

In FabAcademy, we must have website that is connected to the thats why student required to create a gitlab account that is connected to fab Academy version control. which each year has it's own archives. i have received an email with my account on gitlab. which has all the basics of the websites

Git Bash installation and Git Tutorial

to download git bash i have simply opened the official![website](

how version control works in Git system simply by tracking the changes in different versions of the applications and documents for different developers interfaces and communicate easily with it.

The main application that allows to do it in Git terminal. With the help of this terminal, the user can manage the files on local and remote repositories.

for further detailed instructions i followed this tutorial and this

Useful basic commands i learned throught the way :

git config //Configure the user name and email of the user

git init //Initialize the local git repository

git clone // copy the online repository and clone it to my local one

git add //Add files to index

git status //Check the status of working tree

git commit //Commit changes in the index

git push //Upload files to the repository

git pull //Download the latest version from the repository

other commands follow this link

Using the SSH to connect the workstation and the server

too secure my connection with my repository index i had to create a unique required SSH key as a specific direction for the git. to do so here are the steps i followed from the tutorial

first i have created SSH pair of keys on my PC.

then i have cloned the index on desktop

after that i added SSH key that were specifclly created for my pc back to GitLab.

Website editor installation

now to the step where i needed to install the website editor which is Atom. I downloaded it from it's official website

Selection of web programming language

Here i started writing with the markdown which as simple website codeing as just typing a text! so i was able to go further with the documentation that this was very helpful and i have miss it sinces i switched to HTML where i need to use since i am using diffrent theme but in that case i have learned new skill at website designing expereince with a HTML CheatSheet i found things are becoming easy again!you can find this cheat sheet here

Website creation

switching to another theme wwas a bit tricky for me because i was trying to make a static website using jekyll but there were many issues accounrd the last was was that ruby didnt accept the latest versions for the gem so i switch to downloading a pre designed HTMLtheme where i cas adjsust according to my fab acadmey requirments and here we go

after downloading the theme loacally i started editing and test varies of theme until i found this one, where it fits perfectly to my requirments so i needed to push so i opened my gitlab repository loaction on my laptop and deleted every file inside it Expect the CI- YML file where i go to the my gitlab website and edit it to html template

and here you can find the template

and then push the content again but after trying to pull first where i found that as a problem first

and then everything was setp up

Uploading the content

going to the loaction of my ropsotory on my laptop and right click to find the git bash here i can easly send and upoad newest editings to the cloud

my basic command on git was four which i can re call weith the pg up/ pg down on my keyboard another trick i have learned that to add . istead of add -

git add -A

git pull

git command -m "edit"

git push